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08 Jun 2017 | 07:53 AM UTC

Ukraine: Explosion at US Embassy in Kiev June 7-8

US Embassy in Kiev hit by an explosion overnight June 7-8; no casualties reported



An explosion occurred at the US Embassy, located in the Shevchenkovsky district of central Kiev, just after midnight on Thursday, June 8 (local time). According to the Ukrainian police, an individual threw an explosive device onto the embassy grounds. No casualties have been reported and the embassy is reportedly functioning as usual. An investigation into the incident has been launched by the Ukrainian security forces. The motive of the attacker is currently unknown.


Similar low-intensity bombings have been reported in recent years across the country, including a rocket attack against the Polish consulate in Loutsk (west) on March 28-29. These attacks could be related to the tense political context due to fighting in the east of the country between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists.


Individuals in Kiev are advised to monitor the situation and adhere to any instructions issued by local authorities. Remain vigilant and report any suspicious objects or individuals to authorities.

As a reminder, due to ongoing fighting between government forces and pro-Russian rebels in the east, many Western governments advise against travel to Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (Donbass region), as well as areas along the Russian border.