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07 Sep 2018 | 05:34 AM UTC

Benin/Niger: Bridge collapse cuts off sole border crossing September 5

A bridge near Malanville (Benin) partially collapses due to heavy rains on September 5, closing the sole border crossing between Benin and Niger; transportation will be cut off for up to 45 days



A bridge near the northern Benin city of Malanville (Alibori department) partially collapsed on the morning (local time) of Wednesday, September 5, closing the sole border crossing between Benin and Niger. Several weeks of heavy rain and water from the Niger and Sota rivers caused the structure to weaken and collapse. Military boats are working to ferry people and goods across the Niger River. The bridge connected the cities of Malanville in Benin and Gaya (Dosso region) in Niger and served as the only land crossing between the two nations. A new bridge will be constructed to replace the failed structure. According to the Benin government, the construction will take 30 to 45 days.


Individuals traveling between Niger and Benin are advised to make alternate arrangements.