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16 Nov 2023 | 01:56 PM UTC

France: Yellow Vest groups to stage nationwide protests to mark movement's fifth anniversary, Nov. 17-18 /update 1

Yellow Vest groups to stage protests across France to mark movement's fifth anniversary, Nov. 17-18. Increased security, disruptions likely.


Activists associated with the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) movement plan to stage protests in Paris and other major cities across France, Nov. 17-18. The purpose of the action is to denounce the cost of living, demand increased salaries, demand government and societal reforms, and to leave NATO and the EU. In recent months, Yellow Vest protests have attracted very few attendees; however, Nov. 17 will mark the fifth anniversary of the movement. Therefore, the events will likely receive greater participation from protesters, and increased coverage from the media. Between several hundred and low numbers of thousands of attendees may take part in each location.

On Nov. 17, the planned events will likely take the form of static vigils. The largest assemblies will likely be:

  • Paris: Parvis du Sacre-Coeur, at 20:00

  • Bordeaux: Place Pey Berland, at 20:00

  • Lille: Mairie, at 20:00

  • Lyon: Place des Terreaux, at 20:30

  • Marseille: Prefecture, at 20:00

  • Toulouse: Place Saint Georges, at 20:00

Further multiple events are likely across France Nov. 18. The largest is likely to be in Paris, where attendees will gather at 14:00 in Place de la Bourse.

Authorities will almost certainly deploy additional police to monitor the demonstrations. Localized transport and business disruptions are likely. Low-level violence, especially targeted at the police, cannot be ruled out.

Avoid the demonstrations as a standard precaution. Consider alternate travel routes and allow extra time to circumvent the impacted areas. Follow local transport and security advice. Immediately leave the site at the first sign of any security disturbance.