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14 Jan 2024 | 10:35 AM UTC

Spain: Political activists protesting in central Valencia Jan. 14

Activitst demonstrating in Dels Furs Square, Valencia, Spain, Jan. 14. Increased security, localized disruptions likely.


Political activists are gathering in Dels Furs Square, Valencia, on Jan. 14 in support of the autonomy of the Valencian community. Demonstrators will likely remain in the area until the evening of Jan. 14. Participation remains unclear.

Authorities will probably monitor the demonstration as a precaution. Associated localized transport disruptions are likely. Widespread violence is unlikely.

Avoid the demonstration as a precaution. Allow additional travel time near the gathering site. Heed all official transport and security advisories. Depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance.

On Jan. 16, People's Party (PP) and Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) representatives will meet to discuss constitutional reforms, and representatives of the Valencian community aim to put pressure on the defense of Valencian autonomy.