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17 Jun 2024 | 01:49 PM UTC

Germany: Medical students plan demonstration in Hamburg June 18

Unionized medical students plan protest march in central Hamburg, Germany, 15:00 June 18; increased security, transport disruptions likely.


Unionized medical students plan to protest in central Hamburg on June 18 to demand improved wages and conditions for medical training. Demonstrators will gather at Hamburg Town Hall Square from 15:00, march through the city center, and return to the Town Hall Square to conclude the demonstration. Groups of students from Kiel, Lubeck, and Berlin will reportedly participate; the number of participants will likely range from several hundred to the low thousands. The demonstration will reportedly end at 17:00; however, participating students will likely remain in the area through the evening hours of June 18.

Authorities will likely deploy increased security to monitor the events; localized traffic disruptions are likely in central Hamburg through the afternoon of June 18. Railway disruptions are possible as a large number of participants will likely be traveling by train to reach central Hamburg.

Avoid the protest areas as a standard precaution. Allow additional time if traveling near central Hamburg on June 18. Heed all instructions from law enforcement officers. Immediately depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance.