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Crisis24 country report for Armenia flag

Armenia Country Report

Country Risk Level


Armenia is a moderate risk country at the intersection of Europe and Asia. The country is the smallest and most developed of the three South Caucasus states and, politically, has a functioning democratic system, albeit with notable problems. The level of political freedom in Armenia is questionable due to failures in electoral procedures and oversight. Civil unrest occurs occasionally, and politically motivated demonstrations have turned violent in the past, especially during election cycles. Nonetheless, Armenia has generally peaceful transitions of power. Current Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan came to power after leading a peaceful “Velvet Revolution” that brought down the country’s previous prime minister, Serzh Sargsyan. Relations with neighboring Azerbaijan continue to be marked by a historical dispute surrounding the Nagorno-Karabakh region, over which the two countries have fought two wars. Border skirmishes, armed clashes, and political developments in Nagorno-Karabakh, which is internationally recognized as a part of Azerbaijan, can prompt major demonstrations in Armenia.

Armenia faces economic challenges despite significant progress in structural reforms. The country strongly encourages foreign investment and has implemented a number of laws to make the process of investing easier, although corruption remains a problem. Business and tourist facilities are expanding, though they are not yet as widespread as in developed countries. Communications and transportation infrastructure are far more advanced than those of Armenia's neighbors, though they are still far from Western European standards. Good medical care is extremely limited, with perhaps two clinics in Yerevan being the only facilities up to Western standards. Crime levels are low, though petty and opportunistic crime remains the biggest threat to foreign travelers. Overland travel presents further risks, considering the country's poorly maintained roads and the erratic driving habits of some local drivers.

Last update: January 26, 2024


Relations with Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region remain tense following Baku's successful September 2023 military operation against ethnic Armenian separatists and the region's subsequent ongoing reintegration into Azerbaijan. Petty crime is on the rise but remains relatively uncommon. Civil unrest occurs with some frequency, especially around election periods. Large protests took place following Azerbaijan's September 2023 military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh; similar protests broke out following Armenia’s ceasefire agreement with Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Socioeconomic grievances and perceived corruption are further triggers for unrest.

Last update: January 26, 2024


There are no major safety concerns regarding air travel to and within Armenia.

The country's road network is established, but it is considered limited by western standards and overland travel can be hazardous. There are concerns over the standards of driving demonstrated by some local road users and accidents are common.

The port infrastructure is reliable.

Utilities infrastructure varies between rural and urban areas and is in need of investment, with power outages continuing to occur periodically.

Cybercrime is a growing concern and the frequency of attempted cyberattacks in Armenia is high for the region.

Last update: February 2, 2023


Landmines are prevalent in many areas along the Armenian-Azerbaijan border. The continuing military standoff has meant that demining efforts have been limited and not all minefields are well marked. Safety concerns also remain over Soviet-era industrial and nuclear facilities in Armenia, and industrial accidents pose risks to individuals in the area. Earthquakes are common, although most are relatively minor and cause minimal damage. Landslides and flooding occur periodically during periods of heavy rainfall.

Last update: March 14, 2022

Health and Medical

Travelers' diarrhea is the most common ailment among travelers to Armenia. Malaria has been reported along the Armenian-Turkish border, although infected mosquito populations are highly localized and cases remain uncommon. There are limited medical facilities outside Yerevan. Numerous pharmacies can be found in Yerevan and other major urban centers, but are significantly less common in more rural areas. Tap water is not safe to drink.

Last update: September 14, 2023


Armenia is generally stable; however, regional geopolitics have the potential to provoke domestic crises. Snap parliamentary elections were held June 20, 2021, after Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan was forced to sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan following the defeat of ethnic Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh, an international recognized region of Azerbaijan. Although Pashinyan's Civl Contract party won the election in a landslide, Armenia remains politically polarized and regional developments retain the ability to greatly impact domestic politics.

Some level of corruption exists in many Armenian public institutions at both local and national level, and officials may try to solicit bribes from foreign travelers in order to provide assistance or expedite the process of doing business. The Armenian police force is understaffed, poorly trained and may lack the resources needed to effectively maintain law and order in the country. There is currently an arms embargo in force on Armenia, declared by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

Last update: April 14, 2022
Risk Level
Critical High Medium Low Minimal