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04 Sep 2018 | 09:16 AM UTC

US: Legionnaires’ disease outbreak reported in New Hampshire

Legionnaires’ disease outbreak infects at least 12 people, resulting in one associated death, in Hampton (New Hampshire) as of early September; further spread of the disease possible



An outbreak of Legionnaires' disease has infected at least 12 people and left one person dead in Hampton (New Hampshire) between early July and early September. Health officials are reportedly working to find the source of the outbreak. Further spread of the disease is possible in the coming days.


Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia caused by a bacterial infection in lungs that is contracted by breathing contaminated water vapor or dust. It is most likely to affect the middle-aged or the elderly, particularly those with a history of smoking or chronic lung disease. The most common symptoms are cough, shortness of breath, high fever, headaches, and muscle pains.


Individuals in New Hampshire are advised to monitor updates to the situation and adhere to instructions issued by authorities. Individuals experiencing the above symptoms should seek immediate medical attention, especially if part of a demographic at high-risk for the disease.