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05 Sep 2018 | 07:18 AM UTC

DRC: UN peacekeepers attacked near Beni September 3

Suspected rebels ambush UN peacekeepers near Beni on September 3; two South African soldiers wounded



The UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) confirmed on Tuesday, September 4, that rebels attacked a peacekeeping patrol near Beni. According to MONUSCO officials, two South African peacekeepers were wounded after suspected fighters from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) ambushed the patrol in the town of Ngadi in North Kivu province (located near Beni). Additional militant attacks are possible in the coming weeks.


Numerous armed groups are active across the DRC, including ethnic self-defense militias. Violent clashes between these groups and government forces, as well as between rival groups, are common. The government's limited presence in the DRC's eastern provinces, as well as the presence of numerous armed actors and local self-defense militias (Maï-Maï militias), have driven continued insecurity in the area.


A number of Western governments advise their citizens against travel to the east and northeast of the country due to poor security conditions, including the presence of armed groups and a high risk of kidnapping. Professional security advice should be sought prior to travel.