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05 Sep 2018 | 08:58 AM UTC

Myanmar: Thousands flee clashes in northern Shan State (northeast)

Renewed fighting between rival ethnic armed groups in Shan State lead thousands to flee homes



Thousands of people had to flee their homes due to renewed fighting between two rival ethnic armed groups (the Shan State Restoration Council - RCSS -, the Ta'ang National Liberation Army - TNLA - and Shan State Progress Party - SSPP) that took place in the north-eastern volatile Shan State in recent days. The clashes, which occurred mainly in Namtu and Thibaw townships, have their origin in territorial dispute and political rivalry; the RCSS is a signatory of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement, while the TNLA and SSPP are yet to join this government's peace initiative.


For over half a century, Myanmar / Burma is exposed to prolonged and violent internal conflicts, involving a number of non-state armed groups operating in different ethnic States. As of summer 2018, Shan, Rakhine, Chin, Kachin, Kayah, Karen/Kayin, and Mon states are still victims of regular outbursts of violence.


Authorities advise foreign nationals against all but essential travel to northern Shan State except Kyaukme and Hsipaw towns. Adhere to any instructions issued by local authorities.