Trust: The Key to Protecting High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs)
22 NOV 2024
5 min read
Managing Director

What enables stellar private personal security?
High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) lead highly visible and complex lifestyles, but what matters most to them is personal – family, friends, routines, preferences, habits. When executive protection professionals enter this very rare environment, they’ll find the stakes are very high, and it takes a unique individual with a knack for relationship-building to succeed.
This is what I’ve learned in more than 30 years of providing protection for high-net-worth individuals: One condition stands above all others, even services and capabilities:
It’s trust.
If you want people to trust you with their lives, you first must secure their confidence in you. It all starts with relationship-building, and this takes time. Everyone has their own style and approach, though I believe there are four key traits that build total trust.
4 Ways to Build Trust With High-Net-Worth Individuals
1. Be authentic.
For anything you say to matter, clients must believe you’re telling them the truth - and speaking honestly and transparently. The good news is this one is easy because it’s a simple personal choice: don’t pretend to be something you are not. Prominent people, and their representatives, have a keen sense for when people are being inauthentic, and they don’t respond well to it.
2. Be client-focused.
Everyone says this, but not everyone has the same definition. To me, it signifies putting your clients’ interests above all else. Clients must know that what you are saying serves them, not your own goals and objectives.
At the outset, one way you can set this tone with a current or prospective client is by delving into their unique circumstances. Get right to the heart of their concerns with questions such as: What keeps you awake at night? What do you care about most? If we could solve one problem for you forever, what would it be?
This approach is far more effective than leading with the particulars of services and capabilities - as important as they are – because it builds an emotional connection and demonstrates you care.
So, ask questions, and listen more than you talk. You’ll understand what they really need and care about, and you’ll know what solutions to present.
3. Be a true expert.
This one is harder to deliver on. There are no shortcuts to achieving it, and it requires a life-long commitment to learning. If you’re new to the field, digest everything you can find on the topic, engage with a respected expert mentor, accept every assignment, and gain experience. If you’re already a seasoned expert, continue learning, keep practicing your craft, and challenge your own resistance to new ideas and technologies.
Being authentic and caring is foundational, but it’s not enough on its own; you must also know what you are talking about.
Allow me to illustrate this point with a story.
Years ago, I was in a meeting with a billionaire client. It was a joint meeting of several consultants regarding a new residence the client was building. The client engaged one of the consultants on a non-security-related topic and, of course, he was asking the consultant very tough questions. The consultant responded to the first question with, “That’s a great question. I’ll reach out to the manufacturer tomorrow for the answer.”
So the client asks a different question, and the consultant responds by saying, “I believe that’s correct. I’ll confirm with my partner who focuses on that area and get right back to you.”
The client then ended the short dialogue with words I’ll never forget: “It sounds like you have some very smart colleagues. Next time send them to the meeting instead.”
Now, in reality, it’s important to know when and how to defer a question with confidence. This is perfectly normal and expected on occasion, as no one knows everything.
Eventually, however, prominent individuals will expect to speak with the person with expertise and who can answer questions as they arise.
4. Have the best solutions.
Much of the work Crisis24 Private Strategic Group does, especially initially, is diagnostic. As executive protection professionals, we ask questions, assess, and define the problem, then design appropriate solutions to solve the specific problem.
Nearly every business transaction has two core elements: promise making and promise keeping. The surest way to lose a client’s hard-earned trust is by making promises you (or others in your organization) cannot keep.
This is an easy one for me. I’m fortunate to work for a company that can and does keep its promises. That’s because when we created Crisis24 Private Strategic Group, we set out to identify and acquire the top experts and service providers in all aspects of safety, security, and privacy for high-net-worth individuals. And that is exactly what we did. This world-class organization I’m part of today allows me to make promises with confidence and know they will be kept.
Over my career, I’ve supported more than 200 billionaires, and I’m often asked if there’s something special they have in common. I could note several observations, but one stands out in this context: they have virtually unlimited choices. When they engage service providers, especially in high-stakes matters, they can – and do - seek out the very best in the world. So, if you want to provide personal security services to high-net-worth individuals, you absolutely, positively, must be the best.
After all, trust is not earned, and kept, by making promises—but rather, by keeping them.
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