25 Oct 2021 | 04:45 PM UTC
U.S.: Activists protest COVID-19 vaccine mandate in New York, New York, Oct. 25
Protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandate in New York, N.Y., US, early afternoon Oct. 25. Localized transport disruptions likely.
Activists in New York City, including local government employees, have launched a demonstration between Brooklyn and Manhattan early afternoon Oct. 25. The purpose of the protest march is to oppose requirements for city government workers to be vaccinated against or regularly test for COVID-19. Demonstrators plan to march to City Hall from 9 Metrotech Plaza and have temporarily blocked traffic along the Brooklyn Bridge.
Transport disruptions are likely in the affected area over the coming hours. Heightened security around the protest is almost certain.
Avoid the area. Allow additional time to reach your destination if operating in New York City Oct. 25.