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06 Dec 2022 | 03:46 PM UTC

Kosovo: Explosions and sirens reported in North Mitrovica and Zubin Potok Dec. 6

Explosions and sirens reported in North Mitrovica and Zubin Potok, Kosovo, Dec. 6; increased security, localized disruptions likely.



Several explosions and subsequent alarm sirens have been reported in North Mitrovica and nearby Zubin Potok in northern Kosovo Dec. 6. Local authorities are yet to confirm details regarding the incident. Unconfirmed media reports suggest the explosions occurred near municipal electoral offices as electoral officials arrived at the premises. There have not currently been any reports of injuries.

Authorities will likely implement increased security measures throughout North Mitrovica and Zubin Potok through the end of Dec. 6 as they investigate the explosions and search for the perpetrators. Additional security measures could include evacuations and movement restrictions prompting business and transport disruptions. Further security incidents are possible.


Tensions are high between Kosovo and Serbia over a long-running dispute regarding vehicle license plates. The government in Pristina had insisted that around 10,000 Kosovo Serbs with license plates issued by Serbia must replace them with plates issued by Kosovo; an interim deal was recently struck between the governments in an attempt to de-escalate tensions.

Nonetheless, this dispute has manifested as unrest in parts of northern Kosovo with high ethnic-Serb populations and prompted the resignation of local Kosovo Serb officials, including four mayors. Snap elections to replace those officials are scheduled for Dec. 18; Serb List, the main Serb political party in Kosovo, is refusing to participate in the elections. Tensions are likely to remain high in the coming weeks and further sporadic incidents of unrest or political violence are possible, particularly following any contentious political announcements.


Exercise caution if operating in northern Kosovo or the Kosovo-Serbia border region. Heed all instructions issued by local authorities. Avoid all gatherings and leave the area at the first sign of a confrontation.