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02 Aug 2024 | 09:20 PM UTC

Somalia: Al-Shabaab militants carry out attack on hotel in Mogadishu's Lido Beach area, killing at least 20 people late Aug. 2. Tight security likely /update 1

Authorities continue response to attack in Lido Beach, Mogadishu, Somalia, late Aug. 2. Around 20 killed. Al-Shabaab claims responsibility.


As of early Aug. 3, authorities are continuing their response to an attack that targeted the Lido Beach area of Mogadishu late Aug. 2. Al-Shabaab militants claimed responsibility for the attack. Reports indicate that a suicide bomber detonated an explosive near Beach View Hotel, killing at least 20 people and wounding an unspecified number of others. Subsequent gunfire was also reported in the vicinity. Security forces responded to the area and have reportedly neutralized the attackers. Officials may update causality figures over the coming hours.

Heightened security and localized transport and business disruptions are likely in the Lido Beach area of Mogadishu over the coming hours. Similar militant attacks targeting Somali politicians and security officials cannot be ruled out over the short term.

Avoid the scene of the attack. Consider taking alternative routes to circumvent the Lido Beach area. Maintain heightened vigilance if operating in Mogadishu. Adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation.