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07 Feb 2020 | 08:20 AM UTC

DRC: Police forcibly disperse a protest in Kinshasa February 7

Police disperse a protest march in Kinshasa February 7; additional protests possible in the near term



Security forces reportedly dispersed a protest in Kinshasa on Friday, February 7, using force. Protesters from the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDSP) - the presidential party which forms the ruling FCC-CACH coalition - gathered on Boulevard Lumumbe in the Limete area of the capital to demand an end to the coalition. Participants blocked roads with burning tires, leading to traffic disruptions in the area.

A heightened security presence has been reported in the area. Lingering transportation disruptions are possible. Further protests are likely over the near term. 


Individuals in Kinshasa are advised to exercise caution and maintain a low profile at all times, avoid all protests and demonstrations as a precaution, and obey any instructions issued by the local authorities.