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06 May 2017 | 05:07 PM UTC

Belarus: Opposition rally planned in Minsk May 8

Opposition rally planned outside military cemetery in Minsk on May 8



An opposition rally has been planned in Minsk on Monday, May 8, at 12:00 (local time), at the military cemetery on Kozlov Street. The number of attendees is unconfirmed. 

Protesters are likely to met with a strong police response, and traffic disruptions are possible in the vicinity of the cemetery.


Several opposition protests held in Belarus over recent months have ended with the arrests of opposition leaders and activists. On May 1, an opposition protest drew 400 demonstrators, despite having been banned by the government.

Several protests against a government unemployment tax have been taking place regularly across the country since February 17. Per government reports, the tax, which came into effect in 2015 and requires citizens employed fewer than 183 days per year to pay a tax between USD 200 and USD 250, has so far only been paid by around 10 percent of those who qualify. 


Individuals in Minsk are advised to avoid any demonstrations and to keep abreast of the situation via local media outlets.