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05 May 2017 | 09:12 AM UTC

Panama: Armed clashes in Darién province May 2-3

Series of clashes between presumed drug traffickers and security forces May 2-3 in eastern Darién province, near Colombian border; four killed



A series of clashes broke out between members of a criminal group and border security agents from SENAFRONT (Servicio Nacional de Fronteras) May 2-3, leaving at least four presumed narcotraffickers dead. All three incidents - in which SENAFRONT agents reportedly came under attack by armed assailants while carrying out a tactical operation - occurred in a jungle area of Darién province near the Colombian border. AR-15 and AK-47 rifles were seized.


The operation, code-named Haspa, was launched to investigate an international drug trafficking group, 30 members of which were first detected entering Panamanian territory in April. The four deceased have not been identified but are believed to be Colombian nationals.

The isolated and inhospitable Darién jungle is a popular drug trafficking route, located on the isthmus connecting South America, where cocaine is manufactured, to North American markets.


Due to the presence of drug traffickers and other organized crime groups, as well as a general absence of state security forces and infrastructure, some foreign governments advise their nationals against travel to Darién province, in particular zones along the Colombian border.