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08 Jun 2017 | 10:35 AM UTC

Haiti: Student march in Port-au-Prince on June 8

Student march in the capital Port-au-Prince in support of teacher protest movement on Thursday, June 8; transport disruptions and violence possible



The National Union of Normalists of Haiti (Unnoh) student organization has called for a march to take place on Thursday, July 8, in the capital Port-au-Prince in support of a teachers' movement aimed at denouncing poor working conditions for both teachers and students. The march will begin at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS). The union is demanding that the Haitian government set up a special committee to address this issue. As with all protests in Haiti, clashes and other violence is possible.


Unnoh has organized various strikes and protests over the past few weeks in support of the teachers' mobilization, some of which have turned violent.


Individuals are advised to strictly avoid all protests due to the high likelihood of violence and to avoid discussing sensitive political topics.