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06 Jun 2017 | 10:02 AM UTC

United Kingdom: Parliamentary elections June 8

Parliamentary elections to take place on June 8 amid high terrorist threat; Conservative Party losing ground to Labour Party in polls



On Thursday, June 8, the United Kingdom will hold parliamentary elections amid a high terrorist threat following recent attacks in London and Manchester. As of Monday, June 5, Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservative Party's (Tories) previous 16 point lead over the Labour Party in national polls had dropped to an 8.3 point lead. Despite these gains in the polls by the Labour Party, led by the widely unpopular Jeremy Corbyn, the Conservative Party is still projected to win a majority of seats. Increased security measures are to be anticipated on election day, particularly in major cities, and at associated rallies and protests.


Analysts have attributed the decrease in the Conservative Party's lead in the polls to unpopular policies enacted by May, such as a proposal to require individuals that require in-home medical services to pay for such services on their own if their income exceeds 100,000 pounds per year (USD 130,000). Others have speculated that the recent terrorist attacks may further hurt the Tories' lead.

On June 3, seven people were killed and 21 seriously injured in a terrorist attack on London Bridge, in which attackers rammed a vehicle into pedestrians before stabbing several bystanders in the Borough Market area. The Islamic State (IS) has claimed responsibility. On May 22, at least 22 people were killed and 59 more injured in an explosion that occurred at the Manchester Arena (located in the northern English city of Manchester). The attack, which IS also claimed responsibility for, occurred at the end of a concert being given by pop singer Ariana Grande.


Individuals present in the United Kingdom are advised to adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities and report any suspicious objects or behavior.