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21 Dec 2017 | 02:23 AM UTC

Indonesia: Three foreigners recently arrested in Bali on drug charges

Indonesian police arrest three foreigners in Bali on drug charges, may face death penalty



Indonesian police have recently arrested three foreigners - an Australian, an American, and a Malaysian - in separate incidents in Bali on drug possession charges. All three detainees appeared in a state-held news conference at a customs office near Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) on Tuesday, December 19. The Australian national was arrested on Monday, December 18, the American national was arrested on November 30, and the Malaysian national was arrested November 8. It is currently unclear what penalties the three individuals may incur, but people convicted on drug related offenses can face the death penalty.


Indonesia has some of the world's toughest anti-drug laws - including the death penalty - which have come under intense criticism from international actors. Amnesty International has condemned drug-related executions in Indonesia as they allegedly violate local and international law. President Joko Widodo has vowed to solve issues related to drug trafficking and confirmed he would not compromise over imposing the death sentence for convicted drug dealers; Widodo instructed police officers to shoot and kill suspected drug dealers in a July 2017 speech. Eighteen people - mostly foreigners - convicted of drug offenses have been executed under Widodo's tenure, and over 150 people are currently on Indonesia's death row for drug offenses.


Individuals present in Indonesia are strongly advised to abide by all local laws, including those barring drug use and trafficking due to the zero-tolerance policy, and to abide by all instructions issued by local authorities.​