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03 May 2018 | 10:03 AM UTC

India: Deadly dust storms in north May 2

Powerful dust storms kill 40 in Uttar Pradesh, 31 in Rajasthan on May 2



A powerful and deadly dust storm hit the north of India on the evening of Wednesday, May 2 (local time). Uttar Pradesh authorities reported more than 40 deaths (mainly in Agra city) and Rajasthan authorities later reported at least 30 more. Uttarakhand, Punjab, and Haryana states suffered some material damages (e.g. uprooted trees) as well; power supply was also locally disrupted. Most deaths reported were due to collapsed houses. The capital New Delhi experienced heavy rain on Wednesday evening; disruptions to road and air traffic (i.e. flights diversions) were also reported.


Individuals present in affected areas are advised to adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities. Anticipate temporary disruptions to power, telecommunications, and transportation.