20 Jul 2018 | 04:26 AM UTC
Uzbekistan: Urgench International Airport (UGC) closed from July 16
Urgench International Airport (UGC) temporarily closed from July 16, with flights diverting to Nukus Airport (NCU) and Bukhara International Airport (BHK); unclear when flights to UGC will resume
Urgench International Airport (UGC) has been temporarily closed from Monday, July 16, for maintenance work necessitated by recent technical issues and high temperatures. Flights to UGC are being diverted to Nukus Airport (NCU) and Bukhara International Airport (BHK) until UGC reopens; it is currently unclear when flights to and from UGC will resume. Notably, those with airfare to UGC will be provided bus transportation to UGC upon arrival to NCU; additionally, authorities have advised passengers with flight tickets from UGC to arrive at the airport at least 4 hours early to receive transportation to NCU, from where their flights will depart. Further flight schedule changes are possible in the near-term until UGC reopens.
Individuals planning on flying via UGC are advised to confirm flight reservations and contact their airline for more information.