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04 Sep 2018 | 10:08 AM UTC

Afghanistan: Insurgents kill 6 policemen in checkpoint attacks in Bagdhis and Paktia provinces (Sept. 4)

Insurgents kill six in two checkpoint attacks in north-western Badghis and eastern Paktia provinces



On Tuesday, September 4, two police officers were killed and another four injured in an as-yet-unclaimed attack on a check-point near Qala-i-Now, the provincial capital of Bagdhis. 10 insurgents died while fighting the security forces. In Paktia province (south of Kaboul), Taliban insurgents launched an attack on the Janikhail district police headquarters. Four police officers lost their life in the fighting.


The Paktia province borders Pakistan's tribal areas, where Taliban insurgents have found shelter for years. They frequently cross the border to launch attacks on the Afghan soil.


Individuals in Afghanistan are advised to remain vigilant for militant activity, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities and their home governments. The security environment in Afghanistan remains complex. Although travel is possible in some areas, other areas should be considered strictly off-limits. Professional security advice and support should be sought prior to travel.