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04 Sep 2018 | 10:18 AM UTC

Israel/Palestine Terr.: Palestinians injured in clashes over the demolition of buildings by Israeli forces Sept. 3

Ten Palestinians were injured on September 3 when Israeli forces demolished buildings in the West Bank



At least ten people were injured on Monday, September 3 in violent clashes that erupted between Israeli forces and Palestinians during the demolition of buildings in Al-Walaja, a Palestinian village in the West Bank, by Israeli forces, following the Israeli court ruling that these buildings had been built without a permit.


The issue of building permits is extremely contentious in the West Bank, and has in the past been at the heart of previous clashes.


Individuals present in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories are advised to monitor developments and to avoid all protests and demonstrations due to persistent risk of violence. Some Western governments advise their citizens against all travel to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and areas near the Israeli-Lebanese, Israeli-Syrian, and Israeli-Egyptian borders.