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07 Sep 2018 | 04:28 PM UTC

Israel/Palestinian Terr.: Violent protests at the Israel-Gaza border September 7 /update 16

Protests continue at Israel-Gaza border September 7; IDF kills at least one Palestinian protester and wounds dozens of others



Thousands of Palestinians participated in demonstrations at the Israel-Gaza border on Friday, September 7, as part of an ongoing weekly protest campaign. Local sources reported that clashes broke out between Israeli security forces and Palestinian demonstrators who attempted to breach the border and enter Israel. Palestinian protesters reportedly threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops; the IDF launched teargas and fired live ammunition at the protesters, killing at least one protester and wounding dozens of others. Earlier in the day, Israeli aircraft fired at Palestinian demonstrators in Beit Hanoun who were attempting to launch incendiary balloons into Israel. Further protests and clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli security forces are expected in the coming weeks.


Palestinian protesters have rallied at the Gaza border fence weekly since March 30 in a Hamas-supported movement dubbed "The Great March of Return." More than 170 Palestinians and one Israeli soldier have been killed in border clashes since the protests began. On September 5, the IDF announced it had closed the Erez border crossing due to violent clashes between Israeli authorities and Palestinian protesters.


Individuals present in Israel and the Palestinian Territories are advised to monitor developments to the situation and to avoid all protests and demonstrations due to the risk of violence. Some Western governments advise their citizens against all travel to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and areas near the Israeli-Lebanese, Israeli-Syrian, and Israeli-Egyptian borders.