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28 Nov 2018 | 08:19 PM UTC

Israel: Ultra-Orthodox protest in Jerusalem November 28

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish group demonstrates in Jerusalem on November 28; additional protests possible



Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews demonstrated in central Jerusalem on Wednesday, November 28, to protest the arrest of an Orthodox Jewish man who refused to register for military service. Police arrested at least 24 protesters who had blocked the intersection at Jaffa and Shaarei Yirael streets, causing significant traffic disruptions. Additional demonstrations are possible in the coming days as tensions between Jerusalem Faction and the government remain high.


Jerusalem Faction and associated ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups have been protesting a draft bill which would increase the annual quota for Haredi enlistment over 10 years. Currently, individuals can obtain exemptions from the military on grounds of religious objections.


Individuals in Jerusalem are advised to monitor the situation, avoid demonstration sites, and account for additional time to travel in affected areas.