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05 Aug 2021 | 12:58 PM UTC

Pacific: Nations and territories continue to maintain most COVID-19-related restrictions as of Aug. 6 /update 58

South Pacific nations and territories continue to maintain most COVID-19-related measures as of Aug. 6. Travel restrictions ongoing.



Countries and territories in the South Pacific region continue to maintain most restrictions to stem the spread of COVID-19. As of Aug. 6, the following controls are in place:

  • American Samoa: The government extended its existing state of emergency declaration through Aug. 13 and the territory remains at the Code Blue threat level, the lowest on a three-tiered scale. However, officials have lifted the curfew, ending any restrictions on public gatherings, business operations, and public transport. The issuance of entry permits remains suspended until further notice. Prospective travelers must contact health staff for entry permission. To be permitted entry, inbound passengers must have evidence of a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours prior to arrival, recovery from COVID-19 within six months prior to arrival, or full vaccination. All arrivals except for medical workers or fully vaccinated travelers must quarantine for 15 days. Officials also require vaccination for residents departing the territory. Authorities continue to suspend commercial passenger flights, though repatriation and other specially approved flights are occurring.

  • Cook Islands: Officials allow entry for all travelers who have spent the last 14 days in New Zealand prior to arrival. Authorities require all entrants to complete an Online Contact Information Form within 72 hours of departure. Foreign arrivals must also show a return airline ticket, pre-booked accommodation, and 6-months validity on their passport unless they are New Zealand or Australian citizens. Authorities have relaxed most domestic restrictions.

  • Federated States of Micronesia: A Declaration of Public Health Emergency remains in effect through at least Sept. 31. The government continues to ban all inbound flights, except cargo deliveries and repatriation flights, though authorities have temporarily suspended repatriation activity. Those entering the country via repatriation flights must quarantine for at least seven days after arrival. Officials have lifted a ban on citizens traveling to countries affected by COVID-19. Authorities are also banning entry for cargo vessels and tankers; vessels carrying essential cargo are exempted.

  • Guam: A public health emergency remains in place through at least Aug. 30. The government is implementing Pandemic Condition of Readiness Level 3 (PCOR-3). Officials have lifted attendance limits for gatherings. Authorities permit all businesses and services to operate at full capacity. Officials require people to wear facemasks for all businesses and services as well as in indoor and outdoor gatherings. All businesses must maintain customer information for contact-tracing purposes. Most nonresident foreign nationals who have visited Brazil, the UK, Ireland, Schengen Area countries, India, Iran, and China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) in the previous 14 days remain banned from entry. Exceptions are in effect for relatives of citizens and permanent residents and diplomats, among others. All travelers must present a negative result from a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen test taken within 72 hours of departure or evidence of having recovered from COVID-19 within the previous 90 days. The government requires arrivals to quarantine at a government facility for 10 days. Travelers with a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of arrival may avoid quarantine and arrivals with a negative antigen test must quarantine at home. Authorities exempt all arrivals who have been fully vaccinated with a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- or World Health Organization (WHO)-approved vaccine from undergoing quarantine.

  • Kiribati: The government has extended the border closure until further notice. Authorities allow cargo and humanitarian flights. Officials may authorize some repatriation flights, beginning with flights from countries and territories without COVID-19, in the coming weeks. Officials require all passengers to spend 14 days in a COVID-19-free country before entry and produce a health clearance for COVID-19. Officials will deny entry to travelers who do not have a health clearance. Authorities have also increased security at all ports of entry. Officials are allowing nonessential businesses and services to operate.

  • Marshall Islands: Most inbound international travelers remain banned until further notice. Individuals wishing to enter the Marshall Islands must receive permission from authorities in advance. Travel between Kwajalein and Majuro remains limited to Air Marshall Islands (CW). The government has suspended nonessential outbound air travel until further notice; departing citizens must request a government exemption. Some US military personnel have entered with a three-week quarantine period. Authorities require all entrants to quarantine for 21 days. Entry for fishing vessels from countries or territories with COVID-19 activity, cruise ships, and private ships remains suspended. Cargo shipments are allowed, but ships must remain at sea for 14 days before entry.

  • Nauru: Officials are allowing some essential international travel. Inbound passengers must spend 14 days in a designated safe country before entry; the designated countries include mostly Pacific countries. Arrivals must wear protective face coverings on inbound flights, complete a health declaration form, undergo checks for COVID-19 symptoms upon landing, and quarantine for at least five days at a designated residence under health observation before release. Aircrew members, medical workers, and transit passengers are exempt from the requirements. The government requires all commercial maritime crew to remain at sea for 14 days and provide documentation 12 hours before arrival; authorities will conduct COVID-19 tests onboard vessels; ships can only enter the port after test results become available. Air cargo operations are ongoing with quarantine measures for the crew.

  • Niue: Most foreign nationals remained banned from entry; however, exceptions are in place for the children, spouses, and other dependents of Niue residents, as well as for diplomats and essential workers. Nonresident essential workers require government approval before entry. Foreign nationals must quarantine in New Zealand for two weeks before travel. Officials are allowing flights from Auckland, New Zealand, once every week or once every two weeks for repatriation and essential personnel; arrivals must quarantine for 14 days. Authorities continue to extend tourist visas for stranded foreign nationals at no cost.

  • Northern Mariana Islands: A state of public health emergency order remains in effect. The government has downgraded the Community Vulnerability Level to Green - the lowest level. Gatherings of over 150 people remain limited, and authorities continue to require facemasks in many public venues. Most nonresident foreign nationals who have visited Brazil, the UK, Ireland, Schengen Area countries, India, Iran, and mainland China in the previous 14 days remain banned from entry. Exceptions are in effect for relatives of citizens and permanent residents and diplomats, among others. All travelers must present a negative result from a COVID-19 PCR or antigen test taken within 72 hours of departure or evidence of having recovered from COVID-19 within the previous 90 days. Officials exempt fully-vaccinated inbound travelers from centralized quarantine if they complete a CNMI Mandatory Declaration Form at least three days before arrival, register on the Sara Alert Symptom Monitoring System, self-quarantine for 14 days, and consent to a COVID-19 test five days after arrival. Passengers who cannot provide proof that they have taken a PCR test must spend five to seven days in government-designated quarantine sites at their own cost and undergo testing before their release.

  • Palau: The government requires international travelers to apply for and receive a quarantine certificate to board flights. Officials are only allowing fully vaccinated individuals to enter the country unless the arrivals are under 12 years old. Inbound travelers must take a COVID-19 test no more than 72 hours prior to departure for Palau. Arrivals with suspected exposure to COVID-19 are required to quarantine for up to 14 days. Travelers must pay for quarantine in most cases. Authorized travelers must avoid large crowds for 14 days.

  • Samoa: Authorities are requiring all inbound arrivals over the age of 17 to be fully vaccinated. Arrivals must provide a medical clearance obtained within 72 hours of initial departure and a COVID-19 antibody test taken within seven days of initial departure. Officials will require individuals to quarantine for at least 14 days after arrival. Most foreign nationals and international flights remain banned until further notice; some repatriation flights may occur with government approval. Officials will approve inbound travel on a case-by-case basis; authorities previously barred residents with a positive COVID-19 test result within six months of arrival from entry. Authorities will continue ongoing domestic controls until further notice. Markets have been allowed to reopen; with shops and supermarkets allowed to also operate 12:00-22:00 on Sundays. Restaurants may operate at reduced seating capacity. Ferry services between Savai'i and Upolu island are operating Monday-Saturday.

  • Solomon Islands: Officials have lifted most transport and business controls. Casinos, pubs, kava bars, and nightclubs remain open but must follow social distancing guidelines. Most nonresident foreign nationals remain banned. However, people who have been in designated low-risk places, such as Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, and South Pacific locations, except Papua New Guinea and French Polynesia, for 28 days before departure can apply for permission to enter the country. Most international commercial flights and all cruise ships remain banned, though repatriation flights and services from Brisbane, Australia, are occurring. Foreign nationals must seek permission from the prime minister's office for entry. Entrants must complete a Pre-Departure Questionnaire and Instructions on Conduct at least five days before outbound flights. Officials also require a Pre-Departure Checklist submitted one day before departure. Allowed travelers from low-risk locations must take COVID-19 tests 14 days before and within 72 hours of departure, while travelers from other locations must undergo COVID-19 testing 18-21 days and 8-11 days prior to departure as well as take a third test within 72 hours of departure. People who can still enter the country have to quarantine for 14 days at designated sites upon arrival at their own expense. The government has increased security in border areas with Papua New Guinea's Autonomous Region of Bougainville.

  • Tonga: Authorities have extended the state of emergency through at least Aug. 30. Indoor gatherings are limited to 50 people, while outdoor events can involve up to 100 people; exceptions are in place for educational institutions and churches. A nightly 00:01-05:00 curfew remains in effect. Most nonessential businesses, like bars and gyms, have reopened. Cruise ships remain banned from docking. Foreign nationals remain banned from entering; Tongan citizens and emergency personnel can enter but must quarantine for 14 days. Arrivals must submit health declaration forms upon entry.

  • Tuvalu: Inbound travelers are required to undergo 14-day quarantines before entering the country.

  • Vanuatu: A state of emergency remains in effect through at least Dec. 31. Domestic transport services have resumed. Inbound commercial international flights and cruise ships remain banned, though international cargo flights continue. Authorities are prohibiting nonresidents from entering the country. Officials have resumed repatriation flights, but citizens from designated high-risk countries are not allowed to enter until further notice. Travelers from low- and medium-risk locations can enter the country with a COVID-19 test conducted within 72 hours of departure. Officials require arriving passengers to quarantine for 28 days.

Countries and territories will likely continue to adjust their response in the coming days and weeks, depending on COVID-19 activity within their borders and neighboring countries.


Follow all official instructions. Abide by national health and safety measures. Reconfirm all travel arrangements. Consider delaying traveling if experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, as they may prompt increased scrutiny and delays. Liaise with trusted contacts for further updates and guidance. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions. Reconsider and reconfirm nonemergency health appointments. Plan for queues and delays at available shopping centers.


World Health Organization (WHO)