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28 Oct 2021 | 01:28 AM UTC

Jordan: Authorities maintaining COVID-19-related domestic controls and international entry restrictions as of late October /update 77

Jordan maintains certain COVID-19-related domestic controls and international entry restrictions as of late October.



Authorities in Jordan continue to enforce certain COVID-19-related restrictions as of late October.

Domestic Measures
Jordanian authorities have ended all curfews, and businesses in most sectors can operate at 100 percent capacity, except for wedding halls, which may only host up to 50 percent capacity or 200 people, whichever is fewer. Theaters, exhibits, and festivals are also subject to additional restrictions.

Individuals in Jordan are required to wear a facemask in public buildings and on public transport; those utilizing taxis and app-based modes of transport are required to sit in the vehicle's back seat. All individuals in Jordan must adhere to social distancing regulations by keeping 1.5 meters (5 feet) away from others; those violating facemask and social distancing orders are subject to fines. Unvaccinated private-sector employees are required to submit a PCR test every Sunday and Thursday; businesses in violation of this regulation may be subject to closure.

International Travel Restrictions
All international arrivals aged five years or older must present a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken no more than 72 hours before their scheduled flight to Jordan. Arriving international travelers aged five and older must complete a Travel to Jordan Declaration Form on the Visit Jordan platform before travel and present the generated quick response (QR) code to board their flight; to access the platform, click here.

Most travelers arriving via air are subject to a PCR test upon arrival at their own expense. Fully vaccinated travelers from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, China, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Morocco, New Zealand, Oman, the Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, the UAE, the US, and selected European locations are exempt from taking on-arrival tests. Authorities will likely amend the list of selected locations regularly. Individuals testing positive for COVID-19 must quarantine for 14 days and take another PCR test on the final day of the quarantine period at their own expense.

All travelers arriving via air and land must complete a health declaration form and a locator form. All individuals entering Jordan must also download the AMAN COVID-19 contact-tracing application. Non-Jordanian visitors must obtain health insurance valid for the duration of their stay.

Travelers are not permitted to transit Jordan for more than 10 hours; transiting international travelers must have a negative result from a PCR test taken no more than 72 hours before arrival.

Jordanian authorities have notably resumed flights to Damascus, Syria, after a nearly decade-long suspension amid efforts to ease COVID-19-related travel restrictions.

Authorities could reimpose, extend, further ease, or otherwise amend any restrictions with little-to-no notice depending on disease activity over the coming weeks.


Follow all official instructions. Abide by national health and safety measures. Reconfirm all travel arrangements, including required in-country quarantine requirements, before travel. Consider delaying traveling if experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, as they may prompt increased scrutiny and delays. Liaise with trusted contacts for further updates and guidance. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions. Reconsider and reconfirm nonemergency health appointments. Plan for delays at available shopping centers.


Travel Declaration Form
Ministry of Health (Arabic)
Jordan COVID-19 Website
Jordan’s Ministry of Health "AMAN App" Mobile Application for Tracking COVID-19