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28 Mar 2022 | 10:26 AM UTC

Ecuador: Response operations ongoing in Esmeraldas Province as of March 28 following earthquakes; damage and casualties reported /update 1

Response operations ongoing in Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador, as of March 28 following earthquakes; damage and casualties reported.



Response operations are ongoing in Esmeraldas Province in northwestern Ecuador as of March 28 following a magnitude-5.8 earthquake late March 26 and several aftershocks March 27. The National Risk and Management Service of Ecuador (SNGRE) has reported that as of late March 27, one fatality has been recorded associated with the earthquake, as well as one injury. The earthquake affected 356 people, destroyed two houses, and damaged 87 others. Five public assets, two health centers, six educational facilities, and a bridge have also been affected.

The initial magnitude-5.8 earthquake occurred at around 23:28 March 26 and the epicenter was about 9 km (5 miles) southeast of Esmeraldas. The tremor occurred at a depth of about 26 km (16 miles). Further aftershocks are likely in the coming days.


Plan accordingly for aftershocks. Consider vacating multistory buildings if operating in affected areas until authorities confirm their structural integrity. Allow additional time for air and road travel, as aftershocks may prompt brief disruptions. Seek updated information on road conditions before driving in hilly areas in the affected region due to potential landslides.


National Risk and Emergency Management Service of Ecuador (SNGRE) Twitter