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27 Apr 2022 | 03:52 AM UTC

Indonesia: Demonstrations possible in Papua region during anniversary of Indonesian control of the region May 1

Protests possible in Papua region, Indonesia, during anniversary of Indonesian control of the region May 1. Separatist attacks possible.



Locals could stage pro-independence demonstrations in Papua and West Papua provinces May 1, during the 59th anniversary of Indonesian control of the region. Protests may occur at government buildings, provincial or city councils, as well as public squares and monuments, particularly in urban centers such as Jayapura, Papua Province, and Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province. Dozens to hundreds of people could participate in any gatherings.

Sporadic attacks against state symbols have occurred in past years amid ongoing conflict between security forces and separatists; further such incidents are possible on or around May 1. Various groups, including the Free Papua Movement (OPM) and armed criminal groups (KKB) have targeted security personnel and installations, government buildings, transport infrastructure like airports, and facilities of foreign-owned resource extraction companies like PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI).

Authorities will likely enforce heightened security measures, including deploying additional personnel, near possible targets and during any gatherings. Localized transport and business disruptions are likely if protests occur, particularly if demonstrators occupy nearby streets. Clashes could occur if police forcibly disperse any rally, or if protesters attempt to break through security barriers. Officials may conduct arrests if the action violates COVID-19 restrictions or gathering permit requirements.


Indonesia gained control of Papua on May 1, 1963, following a 1962 agreement with the Netherlands, which previously controlled the region. Around a thousand locals, who were picked by Indonesian authorities to represent the people of Papua, voted unanimously in favor of Indonesian control in a referendum in 1969. However, critics say that the 1969 poll was held under coercion and have since demanded a revote involving all locals. The May 1 anniversary also comes amid heightened tensions in the region; people in Papua claim that the Indonesian central government has not sufficiently developed the provinces' economy and infrastructure and that policies, like the planned provincial expansion, are not aiding the region.


Avoid any demonstration in Papua and West Papua provinces due to possible clashes. Seek updated information from local contacts on rally plans, as organizers may not announce details in advance. Plan for transport disruptions near any gatherings and seek alternative routes to circumvent affected areas. If any violence erupts nearby, immediately depart the area and seek shelter at a safe, non-government building. Heed all official traffic and security advisories.