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22 Jul 2022 | 06:08 PM UTC

New Zealand: Activists plan protest marches in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch starting early July 23

Activists to protest in Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington, New Zealand, starting early July 23. Tight security, disruptions likely.



Activists from the Freedom and Rights Coalition will stage protest marches in Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington from 10:00 July 23. The purpose of the action is to denounce perceived government mismanagement of the economy. Participants intend to cause major public disruptions to raise awareness of their dissatisfaction. Demonstrators will initially gather at the Auckland Domain park in Auckland, Bridge of Remembrance in Christchurch, and Civic Square in Wellington at 10:00. Protesters will likely march to major roadways, public squares, and government buildings on foot and in motor vehicles. Previous demonstrations by the same organizations have drawn thousands of participants.

Moreover, activists affiliated with Convoy NZ plan to join the Freedom and Rights Coalition protest July 23. In Auckland, Convoy NZ protesters will meet at Parrs' Park where they plan to slow roll vehicles via North Road to Auckland Domain park beginning 09:00. In Christchurch, protesters will gather at Oxford Terrace to slow roll vehicles to Montreal and Cashel streets before joining the Freedom and Rights Coalition protest at the Bridge of Remembrance beginning 10:30. In Wellington, Convoy NZ activists will join the Coalition protest at the Civic Square at 10:00.

Authorities will almost certainly deploy a heavy police presence in the vicinity of the demonstrations as a precaution; roadblocks or security cordons are likely. Security measures and protest activity may prompt localized transport disruptions near impacted areas. Isolated skirmishes and clashes between protesters and police are possible.


Monitor trusted local sources for updates about protest activity if operating in Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington through the evening of July 23. Avoid any demonstration due to possible clashes. If violence breaks out, depart the area immediately. Follow all instructions from security personnel.


The Freedom and Rights Coalition