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23 Nov 2022 | 10:13 AM UTC

Malaysia: Increased security ongoing nationwide as of Nov. 23 amid post-general election political impasse /update 1

Increased security and roadblocks in effect across Malaysia as of Nov. 23 amid post-general election political impasse.



Increased security measures are ongoing across Malaysia as of Nov. 23 amid a post-general election political impasse. The country's 15th general election Nov. 19 resulted in a hung parliament, with none of the three major coalitions securing enough votes to form a simple majority and by extension, the next government. Authorities have enacted roadblocks at key locations nationwide as a precaution until further notice. Additional police deployments and roadblocks are ongoing around Isatana Negara in Kuala Lumpur to facilitate the arrival and departure of political party leaders and government officials. Election-related civil unrest is possible when authorities announce the coalition and political parties that will form Malaysia's next government. Gatherings are most likely in major cities near government buildings, public squares, political party offices, and prominent intersections.

Heightened security measures and roadblocks could lead to localized transport disruptions. Authorities will likely monitor potential gatherings. Police may use force to disperse protests. Minor skirmishes could break out during protests, particularly between supporters of opposing camps.


Malaysia has experienced political uncertainty since 2018 when voters ousted the Barisan National (BN) coalition, led by the Malay nationalist United Malays National Organization (UMNO) party, for the first time since independence. UMNO returned to power in August 2021 following power struggles that resulted in the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government led by veteran politician Mahathir Mohamad and the subsequent resignation of former Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin from the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition.

The country's 15th general election Nov. 19 resulted in a hung parliament, with none of the three major coalitions securing enough votes to form a simple majority. Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's reformist PH and a pro-Malay rival coalition led by former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin are vying to form the next government by building a majority alliance with other political parties. The king will meet with fellow rulers from Malaysia's states at a special gathering Nov. 24 to discuss a resolution to the political impasse.


Plan for an increased security presence and localized transport disruptions, especially if operating near Istana Negara in Kuala Lumpur. Do not attempt to bypass any security barricades. Avoid party offices and any protests as a precaution. If clashes erupt nearby, immediately depart the area and seek shelter at a safe nongovernmental building. Plan for localized transport and business disruptions nearby any protests. Heed all official traffic and security advisories.