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25 Dec 2022 | 04:36 PM UTC

Bahrain: Protest underway at Bab Al-Bahrain in Manama late Dec. 25

Activists protesting in Manama, Bahrain, late Dec. 25 to condemn normalized relations with Israel. Increased security likely.



Activists are protesting at the Bab Al-Bahrain in Manama as of late Dec. 25. The purpose of the action is to Bahrain's normalized relations with Israel and Manama's continued efforts to expand relations with Jerusalem. Activists organized a similar event outside Jawadain Mosque in Sanabis on the outskirts of Manama on Nov. 16 to protest an Israeli delegation's attendance at the Jewellery Arabia Exhibition.

Spontaneous protests may materialize at other locations, particularly within the predominantly Shi'a towns on the outskirts of Manama. Authorities will likely maintain a heightened security presence around all prominent protest sites. Widespread violence is not likely, but cannot be ruled out entirely as police have resorted to violence to suppress protests in the past.


Bahraini and Israeli authorities agreed to establish official diplomatic ties and normalize relations in late 2020. While the government may be broadly supportive of normalizing relations with Israel, elements of the Bahraini populace remain opposed to the move. Opposition cuts across sectarian divides, posing a threat to the Sunni-minority monarchy, which has faced sustained Shi'a-led unrest since 2011. Protests in opposition to the deal have been a frequent occurrence since the Bahraini government normalized relations. Official government and commercial Israeli delegations to Bahrain often inflame tensions and lead to additional unrest in predominantly Shi'a areas.


Avoid the protest due to the potential for violence; if a related gathering materializes near you, leave the area immediately. Do not take photographs. Allow extra time if driving near the affected area; consider planning alternative routes around the demonstration site.