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18 Feb 2023 | 01:24 PM UTC

Syria: Attack on civilians leaves 68 people dead in eastern Homs Governorate Feb. 17

Attack on civilians leaves 68 people dead near Al Sukhnah in eastern Homs Governorate, Syria, Feb. 17; further attacks likely.



Suspected Islamic State (IS) militants attacked a group of civilians harvesting truffles in the desert southeast of Al Sukhnah, eastern Homs Governorate, Feb. 17. The attack left at least 68 people dead, including seven soldiers. A further five civilians were reported as injured. While IS has not claimed responsibility for the incident, the group is believed to be behind a number of recent attacks targeting truffle gatherers in the Syrian desert. The attack on Feb. 17 brings the total number of those killed in such attacks to 90 since Feb. 10.

Increased security measures are likely in the affected area as authorities investigate the incident. Further attacks may target civilians in Homs Governorate and the wider Syrian desert in the coming days and weeks.


The attack in Homs Governorate demonstrates that IS, despite its territorial losses, possesses the manpower and materiel to launch attacks in Syria against civilians and army personnel alike. IS will likely remain a threat in Syria so long as the Syrian government fails to consolidate control across the country. IS will also likely continue to operate decentralized militant cells in eastern, northern, and central Syria for the foreseeable future.


Maintain heightened vigilance and avoid the area if operating in Syria. Prepare for related transport disruptions in the vicinity of the incident. Adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities. Maintain contact with diplomatic representations.