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19 Aug 2023 | 12:10 AM UTC

India: Unionized farmers to protest in Ballari, Karnataka State, Aug. 21

Unionized farmers to rally in Ballari, India, Aug. 21; activists to reportedly gather outside Karnataka Gramin Bank headquarters.



The Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU, or Indian Farmers' Union) will protest in Ballari, Karnataka State, Aug. 21 to denounce Karnataka Gramin Bank (KGB) for allegedly charging high interest rates for agricultural loans. Activists will reportedly assemble outside the KGB headquarters; protest organizers did not immediately announce the intended time at which the demonstration would start. Additional gatherings are possible on Aug. 21, especially near other KGB offices as well as near prominent government buildings, public squares, and thoroughfares. Well-attended demonstrations will probably draw hundreds of participants.

Authorities will almost certainly monitor any such rallies and could move to disperse overly disruptive crowds. Clashes between police and activists cannot be ruled out. Demonstrators could march along and/or block roadways, prompting localized transport disruptions.


Avoid all demonstrations as a precaution. Depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance. Allow additional travel time near gathering sites. Heed all official transport and security advisories.