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03 Oct 2023 | 07:58 AM UTC

Kenya: Ongoing student protest, roadblock in Ongata Rongai, south of Nairobi city center, the morning of Oct. 3

Student protest, roadblock underway in Ongata Rongai, south of Nairobi city center, Kenya, Oct. 3. Tight security, disruptions likely.



Students from the Multimedia University of Kenya (MMU) have blocked Magadi Road in Ongata Rongai, which is around 13 km (8 miles) south of the Nairobi city center, with burning tires, the morning of Oct. 3. Participants are denouncing the delayed disbursement of scholarships from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB). Reports indicate that security forces have used tear gas to disperse the students.

A heightened security presence is likely in the affected area over the coming hours. Associated transport disruptions are probable. Clashes between security forces and demonstrators are possible if the latter continue to be overly disruptive; bystanders face incidental risks.


Avoid the protest as a precaution and to minimize travel delays. Use alternative routes where possible and allow additional time for journeys. Do not drive through protest roadblocks; wait for authorities to dismantle them. Heed the advice of security personnel. Leave the area at the first sign of unrest.