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16 Nov 2023 | 09:36 AM UTC

Australia: Environmental activists to protest in Sydney Nov. 17

Environmental activists to hold protest march at Belmore Park in Sydney, Australia, from 12:00 Nov. 17. Localized disruptions possible.


Student activists affiliated with the School Strike 4 Climate action plan to hold a protest march in Sydney Nov. 17. Participants will gather at Belmore Park from 12:00 before heading to the Minister for Environment and Water's office at 1A Great Buckingham Street. The number of participants remains unclear, but dozens to hundreds of people could attend the event.

Authorities will probably monitor the gathering; the event will likely remain peaceful. Activists may march along and block roadways, prompting localized transport and business disruptions.

Avoid all protests as a routine security precaution. Plan for localized transport disruptions. Use alternative routes to circumvent protest sites. If violence occurs nearby, immediately depart the area and seek shelter at a safe, non-government building. Heed all official security and transport advisories.