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09 Feb 2024 | 11:39 AM UTC

Australia: Police respond to a security incident in Melbourne late Feb. 9

Police respond to security incident near Flinders Street Station in Melbourne, Australia, late Feb. 9. No ongoing threat.


Heightened security is likely in central Melbourne through early Feb. 10 following a security incident near Flinders Street Station and Princess Bridge at approximately 17:30 Feb. 9. Security personnel (protective services officers or PSOs) were approached by a man wielding broken glass. The man was shot and injured by the security personnel; the assailant is in custody. There are unconfirmed reports that the assailant injured several people before being subdued by police. Victoria Police have stated that the incident was not terror-related and there is no ongoing threat in the area.

Disruptions to road travel are likely near the incident site in the coming hours. Police could close roads to facilitate investigations.

Heed the instructions of officials in the area. Reconfirm road routes near the site before departure.