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24 May 2024 | 04:42 PM UTC

Haiti: Two US missionaries and one Haitian national reportedly killed in Port-au-Prince May 23

Two US missionaries and one Haitian national reportedly killed in armed attack in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, May 23.


Two US nationals and a Haitian citizen were reportedly killed in an armed attack in Port-au-Prince late May 23. The victims were missionaries working for an organization in the city's Bon Repos area and were fatally shot by suspected gang members at around 21:00. The motive for the attack remains unclear.

The security situation in Port-au-Prince remains severe and volatile, with high levels of violent crime, kidnappings, gang violence, and civil unrest. Exchanges of gunfire and associated transport and business disruptions continue to occur throughout the capital and surrounding areas with little-to-no warning. Gang activity and violent attacks target both security forces and civilians.