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28 May 2024 | 03:49 PM UTC

Pakistan: Unionized teachers plan to protest in Lahore May 29

Teachers' unions plan to hold protest outside Punjab Assembly in Lahore, Pakistan, from 12:00 May 29. Transport disruptions likely.


Teachers affiliated with the All Government Employees Grand Alliance (AGEGA) and the All Pakistan Clerks Association (APCA) will hold a protest outside of the Punjab Assembly from 12:00 on May 29. The protestors demand the end of a proposed privatization of 13,000 public schools, denouncing it as an alleged move to outsource the education system. The gathering is likely to have thousands of participants.

Authorities will likely monitor the gatherings and could use force to disperse overly unruly crowds. Clashes between police and activists cannot be ruled out. Activists could march along or block roadways, prompting localized transport disruptions. Associated business disruptions are likely.

Avoid all demonstrations due to possible clashes. Depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance. Plan accordingly for potential transport and business disruptions. Heed all official directives.