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23 May 2024 | 10:30 AM UTC

Reunion: Ongoing construction workers' strike May 23

Construction workers' trade unions on an indefinite island-wide strike in Reunion, May 23; likely localized protests, road blockages.


Construction workers' trade unions are continuing an islandwide indefinite strike on Reunion, May 23. Striking workers are demanding more employment opportunities. Reports suggest striking workers attempted to block roads leading into Saint-Denis early May 23, including the N1 highway. Strike action reportedly began May 22 after negotiations with authorities collapsed.

Further protests are possible in the coming hours and days, especially along highways and near governmental buildings such as the Prefecture and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIR). It is unclear how many participants the protests may draw. Heightened security and localized road disruptions are likely near protest sites. Most actions will likely remain peaceful, though isolated clashes between striking workers and police cannot be ruled out.

Avoid all demonstrations; do not drive through roadblocks. Leave the area at the first sign of a confrontation. Heed the instructions of local authorities.