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03 Jun 2024 | 08:42 AM UTC

Bulgaria: Unionized health workers to protest in central Sofia June 6

Health union affilated workers to stage protest at Sveta Nedelya Square, Sofia, Bulgaria, from 11:00 June 6; increased security likely.


Unionized health sector workers plan to protest at Sveta Nedelya Square in central Sofia from 11:00 June 6. The event is aimed at denouncing insufficient pay increases and demanding the resignation of the health minister. Several hundred to the low thousand workers are likely to participate. The leading union, Defence, claims that further protests will be organized until demands are met.

Law enforcement officers will likely be deployed to monitor the event. Localized road travel disruptions are likely near the protest site. Transport disruptions are likely around Sveta Nedelya Square. Violence is not anticipated.

Avoid all demonstrations as a standard precaution. Allow additional time if traveling through central Sofia on June 6. Strictly heed all instructions from law enforcement officers. Immediately depart the area at the first sign that any security disturbance may occur.