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03 Jun 2024 | 01:01 PM UTC

France: Unionized dock workers to strike nationwide June 4-28

Port workers to strike across France June 4-28. Strongest port disruptions likely June 7, 13, 21, and 25.


Unionized port workers affiliated with the Federation Nationale de la CGT Ports et Docks union plan to strike nationwide for a total of 14 days from June 4-28, with the most severe port service disruptions to occur June 7, 13, 21, and 25. The purpose of the labor action is to denounce retirement reforms. Participants will engage in a "dead port" operation on June 7, when they will strike for 24 hours and also blockade port entrances. Additionally, participants will conduct 24-hour work stoppages on June 13, 21, and 25. Finally, participants will walk out 10:00-16:00 on June 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 26, and 28.

Port service disruptions are likely throughout the strike period, particularly on June 7, 13, 21, and 25, and may carry over into non-strike days. Heightened security and localized transport disruptions are likely during strike periods. Confrontations between demonstrators and law enforcement officers cannot be ruled out.

Reconfirm all maritime travel and shipping scheduled for the strike period. Consider alternatives to maritime shipping and travel during this time period. As a standard precaution, avoid demonstration areas. Strictly heed all instructions from law enforcement officers. Immediately depart the area at the first sign that any security disturbance may occur.