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05 Jun 2024 | 10:33 AM UTC

Greece: Anti-war activists to demonstrate in Athens, June 8

Activists to demonstrate in Athens, Greece, 13:00 June 8 to denounce war and imperialism. Increased security, localized disruptions likely.


Civil society organizations will hold a demonstration in Athens on June 8 to denounce war and imperialism. Participants will gather outside the Athens Cultural Center on the corner of Academia and Asklipio streets at 13:00 before marching to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Vasilissis Sofias Avenue. Although attendance levels are unclear, precedent suggests several thousand activists could participate.

Authorities will likely deploy additional police to monitor and facilitate the gathering. Large crowds and associated security measures will likely prompt localized transport and business disruptions. While widespread violence is not anticipated, clashes between protesters and security forces are possible. Police are likely to attempt to disperse any disorderly gatherings forcibly; officers could use water cannons, baton charges, and tear gas. Any violence would pose an incidental risk to bystanders.

Avoid all demonstrations as a routine security precaution. Allow extra time if traveling in the affected area. If violence breaks out, leave the area immediately.