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25 Jun 2024 | 05:12 AM UTC

Indonesia: Activists plan to protest nationwide from 10:00 June 27

Labour protests to occur across Indonesia from 10:00 June 27. Tight security, transport disruptions, and scuffles likely.


Activists from several organizations, including the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) and Workers with the People Movement (GEBRAK Alliance), plan to protest nationwide from 10:00 June 27. Demonstrators will rally at several locations, including the State Palace in Jakarta and the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) buildings in Bandung, Makassar, and Tangerang. The action is part of ongoing protests across Indonesia to denounce the government's Public Housing Savings (Tapera) policy, which activists perceive as detrimental to their monthly wages. Organizers expect 20,000 participants across the gatherings, with the largest turnout of a few thousand protesters likely in Jakarta. Additional protests are likely in the coming weeks until officials agree to their demands.

Heightened security measures, such as road closures, are probable around protest sites. Notable transport disruptions are likely, especially if demonstrators block roads with burning tires or tractor trucks. Activists may attempt to storm government or political offices. Isolated scuffles are probable, especially if police try to disperse unruly crowds forcibly.

Avoid protest sites as a precaution. In the event of violence, leave the area immediately for a secure, nongovernment building. Allow additional time for travel to nearby destinations; use alternative routes to circumvent rally sites. Monitor trusted local media sources for protest updates, as organizers may not announce them in advance. Heed all local security and traffic advisories.