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18 Jun 2024 | 07:44 AM UTC

Indonesia: Disruptive labor protests outside the Supreme Court building in Jakarta likely to persist through end-June /update 1

Disruptive protests likely to continue outside Supreme Court building in Jakarta, Indonesia, through at least end-June.


Ongoing disruptive protests outside the Supreme Court building in Jakarta by employees of PT Ralph Lauren will almost certainly continue through at least the end of June. As of June 18, protesters continue to set fire to umbrellas and attempt to break through the Supreme Court's main gate, resulting in scuffles with police. Participants are denouncing a Supreme Court decision that will purportedly threaten job stability and allow for mass retrenchment. Dozens to a hundred protesters typically attend each demonstration.

Increased security measures will likely continue around the Supreme Court building and surrounding areas. Police will probably impose traffic restrictions, including security cordons, diversions, and road closures. Minor scuffles will likely persist, especially if police attempt to disperse unruly demonstrators forcibly. Traffic disruptions are likely along Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, Jalan Veteran, and Jalan Veteran III, especially if activists hold additional road blockades.

Avoid the protest site as a precaution. In the event of violence, leave the area immediately for a secure, nongovernment building. Allow additional time for travel to nearby destinations; do not navigate roadblocks. Monitor trusted local media for updates on protest details, as organizers may not announce them in advance. Heed all local security and traffic advisories.