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10 Jun 2024 | 04:57 AM UTC

Philippines: Farmers' protest underway at Department of Agrarian Reform in Metro Manila as of the afternoon of June 10

Protest underway at Department of Agrarian Reform in Metro Manila, Philippines, as of the afternoon of June 10. Increased security likely.


Dozens of farmers led by Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) are protesting at the Department of Agrarian Reform, Quezon City, Metro Manila, as of the afternoon of June 10. The protesters are denouncing the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) on its 36th anniversary, among other land reform policies.

Authorities will likely bolster security around the protest site. Localized transport disruptions are possible, especially if protesters occupy or march along nearby streets. While violence is unlikely, isolated scuffles are possible if police attempt to forcibly disperse the gathering.

Exercise caution around the protest site. If violence occurs nearby, immediately depart the area and seek shelter at a safe nongovernmental building. Plan for possible localized transport disruptions in the vicinity. Heed all official security and transport advisories.