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28 Jun 2024 | 09:25 AM UTC

Russia: Authorities likely to maintain heightened security in Dagestan through early July /update 8

Authorities likely to maintain tight security prompted by terrorist attack in Dagestan, Russia, through early July.


Authorities will likely maintain a heightened security posture throughout Dagestan Province, particularly in the cities of Makhachkala and Derbent, through early July. The measure was prompted following terrorist attacks that occurred on June 23-24, which prompted a large-scale police operation in Makhachkala and Derbent. Security personnel in both cities remain on high alert; notably, large groups of police responded to reports of an armed individual at University Square in Makhachkala late June 25.

Authorities will likely deploy increased security measures, such as roadblocks and security cordons when responding to potential security threats. Identity checks and road travel disruptions are possible near the affected areas. Any additional police activity will likely result in localized disruptions.

Exercise increased caution if operating in Dagestan. Allow additional time for all travel, particularly in Makhachkala and Derbent. Strictly heed all instructions from law enforcement officers. Remain patient and courteous if questioned by law enforcement officers. Carry proper travel and identification document on your person at all times. Maintain contact with your home country's diplomatic mission in Russia.

At least 21 individuals, including at least 16 police officers, were killed and 46 injured in simultaneous attacks in Makhachkala and Derbent on June 23. Authorities closed entry and exit into both cities in the hours after the attack, and sporadic continued exchanges of gunfire occurred throughout both cities as attackers attempted to escape through late June 23.

In Derbent, a group of unidentified gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons on the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tserkov Pokrova Presvyatoy Bogoroditsy) on Lenin Street. A similar attack also targeted an unspecified synagogue in the city, resulting in the structure catching fire; responders later extinguished the blaze.

In Makhachkala, unidentified gunmen targeted a traffic police post located on Yermoshkin Street, as well as an unspecified church. At least 19 worshippers initially barricaded themselves inside the church but were later evacuated by law enforcement officers when the shooting in the area subsided. Suspects and police subsequently exchanged gunfire in the area near Magomed Gazhiev, Mirzabekov, and Ordzhonikidze streets.