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25 Jun 2024 | 01:28 PM UTC

Rwanda: General election scheduled for July 15

Rwanda's general election scheduled for July 15; campaign activities ongoing.


Rwanda’s presidential and parliamentary elections are scheduled for July 15. The electoral campaign officially runs through July 13. Political gatherings and related disruptions are increasingly likely as the election nears. Political violence involving rival supporters is not frequent in Rwanda.

An increased security presence, as well as road traffic and business disruptions, are likely in the vicinity of political events and near polling stations on election day. Officials may impose restrictive security measures, such as temporary curfews or exit/entry restrictions during the electoral period close to polling day.

Remain apprised of the political situation and avoid discussing political topics in public. Allow extra time for travel amid the election period. Avoid political gatherings and polling stations on election day. If violence occurs nearby, immediately leave the area and seek shelter at a safe nongovernment building. Adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities.

Incumbent President Paul Kagame of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) is expected to win a fourth term. Kagame won the 2017 election with almost 99% of the vote.

Kagame represents peace, stability, and economic growth for many Rwandans after leading the country through the aftermath of the 1994 genocide that left about one million civilians dead. While he enjoys widespread popularity, humanitarian organizations frequently criticize Kagame’s regime, denouncing a lack of civil liberties and freedom of the press, serious human rights violations, and recurrent crackdowns on the government’s critics.