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18 Jul 2024 | 07:20 PM UTC

India: Additional protests, clashes likely in Malda District, West Bengal State, through at least mid-July following recent tensions

Further rallies, tensions likely in Malda District, India, through at least mid-July after clashes reported on July 18. 5 injuries reported.


Further rallies and clashes are likely in Malda, West Bengal State, through at least mid-July following recent tensions on July 18. On that day, protests erupted in several parts of the district due to local discontent over frequent power cuts, leading to road blockades organized by residents.

Subsequent clashes occurred as police attempted to clear the blockades, where protesters reportedly hurled stones and vandalized law enforcement vehicles. The incident reportedly escalated when activists attempted arson on a house where injured officers sought refuge, prompting police to resort to tear gas and eventually open fire in self-defense, injuring at least five individuals and leading to 26 detentions.

Further gatherings of various types are likely over the coming days. Potential gathering sites include police stations, as well as prominent government buildings, public squares, parks, medical college campuses, and thoroughfares. Anticipated participation rates remain unclear. Authorities will likely maintain a heightened security presence near the impacted area. Further related localized transport disruptions are likely.

Malda District, West Bengal State, is located approximately 172 km (107 miles) northeast of Deoghar, Jharkhand State.

Exercise increased caution if operating in or near Malda District due to the possibility of violence. Avoid all demonstrations as a precaution. Depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance. Allow additional travel time near the incident site. Heed all official transport and security advisories.