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05 Jul 2024 | 08:10 AM UTC

Indonesia: Unionized workers plan protest across Central Jakarta July 8

Labour unions plan protest across Central Jakarta, Indonesia, July 8. Tight security, transport disruptions likely; scuffles possible.


Activists from several organizations, including the Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) and National Workers Union (SPN), plan to protest across several locations in Central Jakarta on July 8, including the Constitutional Court and Ministry of Trade. Specific timing details are unavailable; organizers will likely release more details closer to the protest date. The action is part of ongoing protest activity across the state denouncing the mass layoff of textile workers, perceived to be triggered by a new regulation issued by the Ministry of Trade. Previous related events have seen at least a few hundred to a thousand participants. Additional, unannounced solidarity protests may also occur at the following sites: Arjuna Wijaya Horse Statue, Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) office, Ministry of Communication and Information, Ministry of Transportation, and State Palace.

Increased security measures will likely occur around the announced protest sites, including heightened deployment of security personnel and imposition of traffic restrictions such as security cordons, diversions, and road closures. Minor scuffles are possible, especially if police attempt to disperse demonstrators trying to bypass security barriers. Traffic disruptions are likely along several major roads, including Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur, and Jalan Veteran, especially if activists hold additional road blockades. Increased congestion and demand for public transport are also likely as a large number of attendees arrive at and leave protest sites.

Avoid the protest sites as a precaution. In the event of scuffles, leave the area immediately for a secure, nongovernment building. Allow additional time for travel to nearby destinations; do not navigate roadblocks. Monitor trusted local media for protest updates, as organizers may not announce them in advance. Heed all local security and traffic advisories.